
Plasma and flame

Workplace 1

Our workplace has a VANAD ARENA 25/65 B&R CNC plasma cutting machine with an additional burner for flame burning.

  • working zone 2500 x 6500 mm
  • plasma source ThermalDynamics ultracut 300A
  • for plasma burning up to a thickness of 40 mm.
  • for flame burning up to a thickness of 200mm
  • the table is equipped with a micro-impact unit, which allows marking and labeling of cuts

Workplace 2

We also have a new modern plasma CNC cutting machine PIERCE RUM 3000 GP with an additional torch for flame burning.

  • working zone 2500 x 6500 mm
  • plasma source Kjellberg HiFocus 360i Neo
  • for plasma burning up to a thickness of 50 mm
  • for flame burning up to a thickness of 200mm
  • the table is equipped with a micro-impact unit, which allows marking and labeling of cuts
